The big picture – planning out the D’mok Revival literary universe

Now that the first manuscript for Weun Academy is off to my AMAZING editor Arlene Robinson, I have a moment to write another blog post.

Some amazing fans have asked what’s coming next. I think I’m finally ready to tip my hand and show what’s in the works. Keep in mind, some of the titles may change, and don’t expect lots of details yet, but here you go!


D’mok Revival: The Nukari Invasion Trilogy — Completed

  1. Awakening – Published
  2. Retribution – Published
  3. Descension – Published
    1. Mindwalk Novelette – Published
    2. The Aloan Conspiracy — Published


D’mok Revival: New Eden Saga                                

  1. New Eden – Published
  2. Chancellor Arenji – FUTURE
  3. The Second Coming – FUTURE


Wuen Academy (Spin-off)

  1. The Shadow Maker – Currently with my editor
  2. The Sabereth Incident – FUTURE
  3. The Golden Hands – FUTURE
  4. The Collectors – FUTURE
  5. Gems of Oridar – FUTURE
  6. The Third Age – FUTURE
  7. Prequal: Secret of the Stone – Future


Wayfinder (Spin-off)

  1. The Assassin’s Gambit – FUTURE
  2. D’maran Justice – FUTURE
  3. Hero of the Nukari – FUTURE


Toriko’s Army (Crucial Side novel)

  1. Tomb of the Metallics – Startup in process


D’mok Revival (Conclusion)

  1. D’mok’s Revenge – FUTURE


D’mok Revival (Prequal)

  1. Executive Order 188 – FUTURE


So, how do all of these fit together?  Good question!

Weun Academy picks up as of the end of book 4 in the D’mok Revival Series. The end of this spin-off aligns between books 5 and 6 of the D’mok Revival Series.

Toriko’s Army happens between books 4 and 5 in the D’mok Revival Series, and after book 1 of Weun Academy.

Wayfinder picks up after book 4 of D’mok Revival, and aligns with book 2 of Weun Academy. The end of this spin-off leads into the beginning of the capstone book 7 of the D’mok Revival Series.

The Weun Academy and Wayfinder series must be complete, along with books 1-6 of D’mok Revival before the capstone book 7 can be written.  Finally, there’s a prequel (because, of course there is). Okay, technically “Secret of the Stone” is a prerequisite (but I’d like it to be).

Simple right?

I’ve had this planned for some time now. However, I didn’t want to mention anything. Mostly because it seems like the plan of a madman. I honestly wouldn’t take a new author seriously if they claimed all this. I wanted a number of novels completed to prove I’m serious about this.

I’m not even going to think about the age I’ll be when it’s all done.

I’m thrilled to report that I’ve started working on Toriko’s Army. I’ve been waiting a long time to do this story. Toriko is among my favorite characters (if I had to pick that is).  More about this soon!